Designer's Choice Seasonal Flower Arrangement

Kamloops florist flower delivery
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Mothers Day Floral Arrangement-Fern and Frond 2023-2357-2.jpg
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Kamloops florist flower delivery
Mothers Day Floral Arrangement-Fern and Frond 2023-2357-2.jpg

Designer's Choice Seasonal Flower Arrangement

from CA$80.00

A seasonal offering of luxurious garden style florals in an on trend vessel or vase. Artistically designed florals using of the moment, seasonal flowers carefully selected by the designer for the occasion.

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Each bloom is hand selected and artfully arranged with a botanical influence. Design requests are welcomed but cannot guarantee specific materials, each piece is as unique as the recipient.